Dupa ce an terminat solicitantul joc de "cine da muzica mai tare" cu vecinul, care s-a soldat cu mine ca invingator ca am boxe cu fir lung si pot sa le scot pe geam, dupa ce am ascultat discutia imaginara dintre 2 intelecte mai mult decat idiotice gen " buna ce faci? -bine, ma invart in jurul cozii, tu? -pai la fel. nu vrei sa ne invartim in jurul cozii celuilalt? -vai ce misto, let's do that!" si pentru ca doi pitici de pe creierul meu sunt atat de insistenti, am ascultat o melodie a unui vesnic frustrat sexual:
Tom Jones- Love me tonight
[cu traducerea de rigoare]
I know that it's late and I really must leave you alone
[Am auzit-o pe ma-ta ca te striga de la balcon]
But you're too good to hold that I feel such a long way from home
[Esti pufoasa. Si a trecut ultimul 102.]
Yes I know that our love is too new,
[Nu-s cu tine decat de 2 zile]
But I promise Its going to be true
[Da’ mai stau inca 2 daca te fut azi]
Please let me stay and don't you send me away Oh no no
[Sa nu zici nu ca stiu unde stai]
Tell me baby that you need me, say you'll never leave me
[Hai pha, da-te drecu’, ca nu mori]
Love me tonight
Hold me now my heart is aching, until the dawn is breaking
[Hai ca nu vreau sa fac iar laba pana dimineata]
Love me tonight
Something is burning inside, something that can't be denied
[Ma dor coaiele.]
I can't let you out of my sight, darling
[Te urmaresc si in curu’ pamantului, pha]
Love me tonight
Let me love you baby
Let me love you baby
Baby love me tonight
I've waited so long for the girl of my dreams to appear
[Is nefutut]
And now I can hardly believe that you really are here
[Nu-mi vine sa cred ca se uita una si la mine]
Here in my arms you belong, how can this feeling be wrong
[Esti a mea, ai inteles? Bibelou de portelan]
Darling be kind for I'm out of my mind over you
[Inebunesc daca ma mai tii mult asa]
Draguta melodia, sa-mi bag pula.
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